Acquarius awarded “We invest in people” accreditation by Investors in People


December 19, 2023



min read

Managing Director Oliver Andlaw explains why the accreditation is important and what the award means for Acquarius staff and the business’ ambitious growth plans.


Investors in People

Investors in People (IIP) have awarded the “We invest in people” standard accreditation to Acquarius Trust Company Limited. In announcing the award, Managing Director Oliver Andlaw stated that it is an acknowledgement of the work done by management on processes and staff wellbeing combined with total buy-in by all staff in recent months.


IIP began as a UK government initiative more than thirty years ago when the Department of Employment developed a national standard of good practice for training and development. IIP offers accreditation to organisations that can demonstrate adherence to its rigorous standards. UK based, IIP’s international arm operates in more than 80 countries delivering services in 30 languages.


In their summary report to Acquarius, IIP highlighted key strengths and characteristics that led to the award. They point out that by building for the future, Acquarius have tackled challenges head on. They have implemented new processes and made changes necessary to create a “fantastic work environment” for its people allowing the firm to position itself for future growth. IIP acknowledges the implementation of a streamlined structure leading it to state in its summary that Acquarius “has a bright future ahead”.



Acquarius management have previously made it clear that future growth plans are ambitious. They recognise that in order to grow, the business must develop their staff so that they are supportive of the firm’s plans. IIP accreditation corroborates independently that the approach is working and this is something of which all Acquarius staff should be rightly proud. Oliver added that the accreditation provides a clear, positive message to potential new staff considering whether to join the growing team.


Oliver went on to highlight some of Acquarius’ key strengths and characteristics summarised in IIP’s report that led to the firm’s accreditation. In particular, “The Acquarius Way” impressed IIP. This is an ongoing collaborative effort by management and staff leading to a common understanding of the culture the firm seeks to create. In IIP’s words “it’s clear there’s a real sense of belonging evolving”.


IIP also highlighted that the flow of information all the way through the organisation had improved markedly thanks to a determined effort to improve communication at all levels. Acquarius’ people feel more cohesive and collegiate, and appreciate the caring and compassionate approach created by the firm. In summary IIP stated that Acquarius’ focus on improving the business as a great place to work bodes well for its ambitious future growth plans.


Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Acquarius. Being accredited with “We invest in people” is a remarkable effort for any organisation, and places Acquarius in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”


Looking forward

Oliver went on to sound a note of caution when he said that whilst the accreditation was a matter of great satisfaction to all staff, Acquarius would not be caught resting on its laurels.  As he explained, the initial three-year IIP accreditation depends on the firm maintaining its strengths whilst making improvements where IIP identifies opportunities so to do. Acquarius will need to develop its collaborative culture allowing it to adapt to changing circumstances in Gibraltar and beyond taking account of changing industry work practices.


Oliver concluded by saying that the firm will display proudly its IIP accreditation certificate in the office and promoting the logo on correspondence to clients, their advisers and business introducers. It is important as a constant reminder that Acquarius has achieved this standard and its significance to the business. He ended by thanking the staff once again for their input into the rigorous IIP process that had led to this hugely appreciated Christmas present for all concerned.

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