Acquarius announces participation in the London October events promoting Gibraltar’s financial services industry

Acquarius to showcase Gibraltar’s financial services at London events, highlighting corporate and private client solutions in 2024


September 24, 2024



min read

As in previous years, London will host a series of Gibraltar financial services events in mid-October. Oliver explains this year’s programme is especially crucial for a number of reasons.

First, he outlines the broader context. After several years of complex negotiations involving the UK, Spain and the Government of Gibraltar, a long-anticipated agreement may soon be reached. It is premature to speculate on the details, but a successful outcome would significantly benefit residents and businesses on both sides of the frontier. 

Even in the absence of an agreement, Oliver believes that there is much to celebrate at this year’s London events. Gibraltar’s private client sector is mature and well- established but equally important is the corporate offering. Local regulated trust and corporate service providers, including Acquarius, are increasingly focused on corporate solutions. These range from tried and tested holding company structures to the “headquarter” model, allowing Gibraltar entities to establish local operations with substance – including personnel and premises – supporting a network of subsidiary businesses worldwide. 

Gibraltar and the UK have developed a “passporting” arrangement – unique for an Overseas Territory – enabling a financial services company regulated in one to operate freely in the other. This allows a Gibraltar-regulated business to establish in the UK without undergoing a separate regulatory application process. Acquarius has experience in this area and is eager to develop this aspect of the business in the coming months. 

Another reason for Acquarius to participate in some strength this year is that 2024 marks a significant stage in the firm’s development. After completing a number of local acquisitions in the last couple of years, Acquarius aims to grow both organically and, where possible, through strategic corporate deals. 

To support this growth, Ian Le Breton, a longtime friend of Gibraltar, has recently joined the team as a consultant. Ian will accompany Oliver and fellow executive director, Gareth Cross at the October events. Ian recalls attending many of the earlier Gibraltar Day in London events dating back to 2000. He notes that Gibraltar has made significant progress in the past twenty-five years, reflected in the wider variety of industry-related events planned for this year.

Gareth Cross, Acquarius’ COO, is particularly impressed by the diverse range of attendees expected at the various functions. Gibraltar-based politicians and practitioners will showcase the breadth of services the territory offers to a wider UK audience than ever before. 

The Acquarius team will participate in the Financial Services Lunch and several other events focusing on private clients, funds and distributed ledger technology, among others. Participants will have more opportunities that ever to discuss business prospects. Additionally, these events will reaffirm the deep-rooted relationship between Gibraltar and the City of London, which dates back centuries. In today’s uncertain global climate, such connections will prove to be even more crucial. 

There will be some free time available for London-based clients and their advisers to meet with members of the Acquarius team. The firm is keen to stress that someone will be in London on a very regular basis from now on should October not prove convenient. Gibraltar has an impressive story to tell and Acquarius is part of that narrative. The firm is committed to expanding its diverse business in London and beyond in the years ahead. See you in London! 

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